Speed cube: animated visual algorithms
Ever since I started speedcubing I've always wanted a reference of algorithms with a play button to visualize how the alg moves the pieces. I couldn't find anything comprehensive, so this was born.
All cases and popular algorithms:
- F2L: First 2 Layers (41 basic cases, 36 advanced cases)
- OLL: Orient Last Layer (2-look, full)
- PLL: Permutate Last Layer (2-look, full)
The source is on GitHub, and I love pull requests :)
F2L: both-top white-up
U2 (R U R') U (R U' R')
F2L: both-top white-up
y U2 (L' U' L) U' (L' U L)
OLL: 51
F (U R U' R') (U R U' R') F'
OLL: 52
(R U R' U) R U' (B U' B') R'
x R2 F R F' R U2 r' U r U2
(R U R' F') (R U R' U') R' F R2 U' R'
Credits and thanks!
This was made possible by:
- Algorithms: Dylan Wang (aka. J Perm) and his excellent YouTube videos.
- Cube animation: Lars Petrus and his super slick Roofpig library.
- Design: Based on the Bootstrap documentation.
- Templating: Uses BottlePy SimpleTemplate Engine.
- Hosting: Provided by GitHub pages.